-Machigaune EiZaki Town-
An UTAU blog mainly for Machigaune Eiki & Kazaki

Monday, September 28, 2015

VCV thoughts

  1. Seems to be a forceful type VB
  2. //rerecording the same things still... might just redo the whole thing òqó;
  3. undecided on an outfit for it atm//
    1. kind of leaning something + overalls, but mainly bc i've been slowly giving all my characters at least one outfit that has overalls of some kind

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Most Recent Cover: Eiki&Kazaki SOFT(?) - Coward Montblanc
Most Recent Available VBs: Machigaune Eiki Act.2Machigaune Kazaki Act.2
Most Recent Video: Nonsense Speaker - Scribble PV

I made phone notification, but the picture was almost late anyway... xD
Just in time, though!!