-Machigaune EiZaki Town-
An UTAU blog mainly for Machigaune Eiki & Kazaki

Saturday, August 29, 2015


 RE:VCV recording
  • VCV recording is NOW DONE
    • Made double sure this time (orz)
  • Need to oto...
CV SOFT thoughts
  • Thinking of  Hello/How are You (EiZaki ver)
  • Scribble PV thoughts involve texing... XD

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Machigaune CVAvE Soft - Coward Montblanc [utau cover]

> Song and other credits at Soundcloud

Soft VB? Well, that's what I'm calling it... I'm still not totally sure how "soft" it is, but it should at least be different (compared to Act.2)

As usual (?), it was going to be to show off just the base voice (EIki), but I included Kazaki's flags voice anyway.

The pic is dumb, but that's probably why I like it XD