-Machigaune EiZaki Town-
An UTAU blog mainly for Machigaune Eiki & Kazaki

Friday, February 20, 2015

Drop Pop Candy (Cover - SC link)


Eiki and Kazaki is EiZaki.
Ei and Zaki are kind of their nicknames...

Well, Kazaki has another nickname (from a typo XD,) but that hasn't happened much recently~
it was Kzaaki (pronounced Kuza-aki [koo-zah-ah-kee]) by the way

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

RE: Kazaki A.2

EDIT: his .oto is almost done, that;s why i'm mentioning this XD
Kazaki's Act.2 is an Edit VB, making him an Official pitchloid or whatever.