-Machigaune EiZaki Town-
An UTAU blog mainly for Machigaune Eiki & Kazaki

Saturday, December 5, 2015

VCVs News ANOTHER -extra mode-

  • The VCVs are IN PROGRESS (being oto'd)
  •  I don't know what'll happen for the designs yet..
    • I have one, but it's only for act.2HD/act.3 (however it ends up sounding pfft)

Saturday, November 28, 2015

More VCV Notes

I've rerecorded the VCV again. I still have the old files, though, so maybe they'll be a VB anyway ahah;;

Monday, September 28, 2015

VCV thoughts

  1. Seems to be a forceful type VB
  2. //rerecording the same things still... might just redo the whole thing òqó;
  3. undecided on an outfit for it atm//
    1. kind of leaning something + overalls, but mainly bc i've been slowly giving all my characters at least one outfit that has overalls of some kind

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Most Recent Cover: Eiki&Kazaki SOFT(?) - Coward Montblanc
Most Recent Available VBs: Machigaune Eiki Act.2Machigaune Kazaki Act.2
Most Recent Video: Nonsense Speaker - Scribble PV

I made phone notification, but the picture was almost late anyway... xD
Just in time, though!!

Saturday, August 29, 2015


 RE:VCV recording
  • VCV recording is NOW DONE
    • Made double sure this time (orz)
  • Need to oto...
CV SOFT thoughts
  • Thinking of  Hello/How are You (EiZaki ver)
  • Scribble PV thoughts involve texing... XD

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Machigaune CVAvE Soft - Coward Montblanc [utau cover]

> Song and other credits at Soundcloud

Soft VB? Well, that's what I'm calling it... I'm still not totally sure how "soft" it is, but it should at least be different (compared to Act.2)

As usual (?), it was going to be to show off just the base voice (EIki), but I included Kazaki's flags voice anyway.

The pic is dumb, but that's probably why I like it XD

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Kazaki Act.2 art (flat colors)

  • NOSE and LIPS (to match with Eiki's pic)... might mess with his nose more :S

Monday, July 6, 2015

Finally working on Kazaki's Box/Reference art (and a page of chibi-ish general design pics)

Friday, June 26, 2015

Soft Preview (?) : Lost Time Memory

Feat. Eiki Soft & Kazaki Act.2 and instances of Eiki&Kazaki Act.1 and Eiki Act.2

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Small News Update

> Continuing AvE .oto work. It's about 90% done
>> missed some syllables, need to record (not as bad as A.2, which needed two sets of syllables recorded in post)
> Came up with art ideas for Act.2's "release" video, working on that too

Sunday, June 7, 2015

AvE -soft- (?) is being worked on

Might not call it soft, ultimately
> I've separated out Soft's recordings and started some .oto work
> The release vid (for Act.2) needs all the pictures still;; ooops

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Revised pic for WIP box art

  • Redid leg lines
  • Included side stripe (just visible)
  • Eyes are same color as hair again (in old version, they're lighter and more yellow brown)
  • Slight change to shoe strap thing
  • LIPS (normally I don't bother... I think they turned out well)
Kazaki still needs this kind of pic... °u°;

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Official Release Vid in Progress

Plan so far
> OP + Demosong [Tawagoto Speaker -short-]
>> Maybe character profiles as ED...

> Needs lots of artwork, in any case.


Other (not vid stuff)
Might separate out Soft's syllables

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Nonsense Speaker // UtaDuet Cover

 //credits in desc @ soundcloud

I really like this one. I want to make a better picture for it sometime...

Eiki's A.v.E SOFT recordings are DONE

Now they need to be separated and processed!
It has all extra syllables (act.1 and act.2)

Sweet might be a while still... =u=;;

++ I haven't completely decided what I'll do for Kazaki yet
> might try to record a separate VB
> or might just pitch it down (like A.2)

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Small General Update

+ Edited the Voice Banks Notes page.
>> Sweet and Soft (both CV) are considered to be IN VERY SLOW PROGRESS now

Kazaki now has a wikia page!
>> He still doesn't have a solo demo, though;

Thursday, April 2, 2015


UST by Adry Eli

RL (Rin & Len) Cover [ www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFoKREq6tHE ]

Well~ It's just a plug and play type cover (+lazy, no echo areas etc) ...though I did edit some so it's

 Act 2 has some extra consonants, you see...

Parts sound a bit weird to me, though??
Well, their covers usually end being a bit weird... XD

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Worked on Stuff More

[release vid work]
The dialogue before the demo song is almost done..

They have a lazy cover of [Indulging: Idol Sydrome] (not posted... not sure I will;;)
...It sounds a bit strange to me though?? So I might use something else.

Next is drawing 5mil chibs for it... XD

Friday, February 20, 2015

Drop Pop Candy (Cover - SC link)


Eiki and Kazaki is EiZaki.
Ei and Zaki are kind of their nicknames...

Well, Kazaki has another nickname (from a typo XD,) but that hasn't happened much recently~
it was Kzaaki (pronounced Kuza-aki [koo-zah-ah-kee]) by the way

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

RE: Kazaki A.2

EDIT: his .oto is almost done, that;s why i'm mentioning this XD
Kazaki's Act.2 is an Edit VB, making him an Official pitchloid or whatever.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Machigaune V2 IS DONE

But I kinda want to rerecord some things anyway
(mainly the things i just recorded to complete the VB)

Also, a silly promo thing is being worked on. Since I'm making it myself (not with downloaded usts), naturally it's talkloid... (wait what?)

leaving that, I'll make a journal on DA as well this time orz

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

V2 Processing

[Edit] Only almost done, somehow skipped a bunch of sylables (nice)  orz
// even tho it has some (pointless) extra sylables haha orzorz

Did recording NOW while it's quiet and not doing anything anyway ( =u=) *+