-Machigaune EiZaki Town-
An UTAU blog mainly for Machigaune Eiki & Kazaki

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Machigaune News to be Posted Here

...And possibly other UTAU stuff. Y'know, whenever I do that.

The Voice Bank DL (http://yukariyakumo.deviantart.com/art/Machigaune-in-a-Box-327571422) is stayin' where it is, for now.

There are other things, but anything that isn't the released VB is WIP. Except Dev.A2_HD/Dev.A3, which isn't being worked on at all.


Utane Uta's Treasure Sniper Cover has finally gotten through the first verse, but I should probably redo parts of the beginning at this point... Also, Tsukine Nami's Mata Ashita is nearing completion, but I don't know how to harmony, so it doesn't have any... orz